Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hello Wildcat


  1. Wow, look at those curls! Poor kid.

  2. hehe I get to take genetic credit for those curls. Regan's hair is about the only thing for which I get to take credit. She looks like a curly, red-headed version of my wife at that age!

  3. Hi- Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your friend's thriller sounds really interesting. If he wants to send a summary I'll post about it on my blog.... (I know fame and fortune what more could he want)

  4. Okay, that is way too cute! Look out, though. I think this little one is gonna give you a run for your money on the art front!

  5. Angie, I just wish I could have shown a better example of Regan's artwork. My little girl is really talented, and that rush job on Hello Kitty doesn't come close to her best.

    Anne & Eileen, thanks for visiting. What can I say? My little girl made out well in the genetics department (she wisely favored my wife!).
