Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Frank's Boogie Board Beach Adventures

Well, it’s getting to crunch time in terms of the James River Writers Conference, the event my wife and I are helping organize for this October. With that grand event just two months away, I can safely say my blogging is going to take a hit from that. While my entries might not be as frequent between now and then, I won’t be abandoning the blog so much as I did during last month when I went on vacation.

Just so I don’t over-commit myself, I won’t be offering quite so specific a preview for this month’s entries. What I can tell you is that I’ll make good on two that slipped through the cracks last month. I still have to do my Dust Jackets entry about that “orphaned” Star Wars trilogy and my entry for my dog Page. I offered a little insight into that photo-cowardly dog, but not as much as I’d planned. I’ll make good on both of those early this month.

As for the rest of the month, you can expect a lot more Frank. My blog’s mascot got into a lot of trouble during our trip to the beach, and I plan on offering a lot of comic strips with him this month to let you see how his vacation went. What has me really excited is that I’m finally getting to do a comic entry for Frank that includes my wife, the infamous Dragon Queen. That’s right. You’ll see what happens when Frank takes on the woman in my life. I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

I’ve just finished reading Pompeii by Robert Harris, so I’ll post my review of that book tomorrow. I finished it last night, my first night back at work. That marked the official end to my vacation. The reality of it is a brutal thing. On the bright side, my vacation served its purpose. My wife and I have been busy working on our book together. We’ve even made a few interesting creative decisions that will add some scenes to the early part of the book and hopefully add a few surprises for the reader.

This might be the heaviest month of Frank entries I’ve ever done, including my March Madness inspired “Bracket Battle” series. Hope you’ll enjoy it, and who knows? If the reception is strong enough, perhaps Frank’s comics will get a bit more showing within my blog. We’ll have to wait and see.

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