Monday, April 12, 2010

Get "Lost in London"

As you probably saw in the most recent episode of "The Wildcat's Lair," Frank and Hip are flying to England. For those following my other blog, you've already gotten a sneak peek at some of the sights Frank and Hip will visit. So as our favorite blue-striped cat and allergy-ridden dragon embark on their trip in the Old World, I invite you to let your computers dress accordingly.

I've gone with the standard sizes I've used for previous storyline wallpapers. If you see a size that is glaringly absent, just let me know.

800 X 600                       1028 X 768                              1280 X 800

When it came time to create the wallpaper for "Lost in London," I really felt it needed to be set in the Underground. My wife and I made ample use of the train system. Having previously watched Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere" TV series (yes, the TV show came before the book, in this instance), I really got a kick out of the Underground, spotting familiar names and references from the TV series. My wife hasn't seen the BBC series, but she is reading the book and is experiencing the same excitement of recognition.

Hope you'll enjoy watching Frank and Hip get "Lost in London." I think this one will take quite a few weeks.

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