Monday, August 01, 2011

Ask Uncle Kerouac, Episode 18

Feel free to share each week's episode of "Ask Uncle Kerouac" by embedding it in your own blogs, Facebook profiles, what have you.

And don't forget you can get Uncle Kerouac's advice by sending your questions to him at

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the latest picture in our weekly You Write the Caption contest.


  1. [innocent look]

    Is it bad that I LOL'd at this? Yes, I know it is. I totally owe you a beer, buddy!

    Thanks for the reco on "Cowboys & Aliens." Ken and I definitely want to go see it, and now know that it's worth a trip to the theater rather than waiting on it. And I want to see it for more than Daniel Craig. Really, I do.

    [innocent look]

  2. I'll take you up on that beer! hehe

    Oh, and I can assure you, Beth, my desire to see "Cowboys & Aliens" had absolutely nothing to do with Olivia Wilde being in it. Ahem... okay, well, maybe a little.

  3. Wait until it starts to grey :o)

  4. Matt Lauer still looks good (and sexy)so do you! No need for Hair Rehab!
