Monday, August 08, 2011

Ask Uncle Kerouac, Episode 19

Feel free to share each week's episode of "Ask Uncle Kerouac" by embedding it in your own blogs, Facebook profiles, what have you.

And don't forget you can get Uncle Kerouac's advice by sending your questions to him at

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the latest picture in our weekly You Write the Caption contest.


  1. Congrats on getting published!

  2. Yeah, I had nothing on last week's caption contest, and the winning one is just perfect!

    So happy for you getting your story in the anthology. Please keep us posted about when it is published and where to get it. (Kindle version, please?!)

    Loved The Walking Dead backdrop, too. I think that's what that was from. October!

  3. Actually, Beth, that is all a "Bill Blume" original graphic. I'll save the details for a Thursday Randomness, but all of the material in that picture was material I took pictures of by going places in the Richmond area and then putting it all together. It made for an incredible graphic artwork challenge that was a lot of fun, too.
