Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You Write the Caption, Episode 23

Never fear, Lair Lovers, the Wildcat's Lair is still here and open for business. Afraid the past few days have been filled with a not-so-nice cold and a few too many hours at work.

I'll have the latest episode of my comic strip posted later today. For now, allow me to reveal the winning caption from last week's picture for "You Write the Caption!"

The winning caption belongs to Beth, who went obscure for this reference. By the way, for anyone who wants to get the "Sidehackers" reference, here's a link to a Wikipedia page that pretty much explains it.

Now, here's the new picture for this week's "You Write the Caption!" I'm almost scared to see what you folks will come up with on this one.


  1. "I think hairballs taste better."

  2. Oh sweet! I'm sorry I'm so behind, because I missed my victory moment!

    I'm thrilled whenever I get to throw in a Sidehackers reference. "Lean way back and scrape your butt, make it look like a quarter pound o' ground chuck, awwww, sidehack!" Still makes me laugh!
