Well, it’s taken me more than a month to finally make good on my bet to Frank. If you’ll recall, I lost our bracket battle for the NCAA Tournament. That meant I had to read three cat-related books and take him to the bookstore for a café mocha... something I'd basically sworn to never do again after the last time I took him to a bookstore.
Frank didn’t quite get his café mocha, though. My son decided to tag along and insisted we go to the “blue bookstore.” Fortunately for me, Frank was willing to allow the concession as long as he got something with caffeine in it.
I could quickly see these two were going to get into a lot of trouble, because it was taking a long time to find what I was looking for. They were a little tired, so I let them take a nap while I kept looking.
Unfortunately, they didn’t sleep as long as I thought they would and well… you can probably guess the rest.
My search for a book was finally successful, and having found my son and Frank, we made our way to the café for something to drink.
So, I let last week pass without an update. Sad to say, things have just been too busy in life offline. I won't let the Lair die, but I also recognize when I need a break. How will Frank and Hip's Steampunk adventure end? Well, I promise to return to that in December. Yes, a whole month from now. Post-conference life and facing a lot of extra work I'm expecting for this month at my paying job is just taking too much of a toll on your friendly neighborhood Wildcat.
So, between now and the end of November, I'll be posting a few of my favorite classic episodes on Wednesdays and Fridays. I'll likely add in a few other goofy things on Thursdays.
For now, here's my first of this month's "Frank's Flashbacks" Episodes.
I’m Bill, the Wildcat. I'm many things: a writer, father, 911 dispatcher and all-around goofy guy.
Once upon a time, this blog started as nothing but a reading journal. Later, I started to blog about movie scores and books I'd read in the past (you can still find all these in my blog, if you go back far enough). Then a funny thing happened... I created a mascot for my blog, a black cat with blue stripes.
Like any typical, evil cat, he took over. The Lair's early readers picked Frank "Skywhips" Orion's name. He loves café mochas, books and kitty porn. Suggestions that he has any ties to the so-called "Cat Mafia" remain unproven in a court of law. If you want to talk directly to Frank, your best bet is through his Twitter account.
Thanks to Frank and all of our crazy friends, my blog has evolved into an online comic strip. You can catch our adventures twice a week on "Wildcat Wednesdays" and "Frank Fridays."