Friday, March 16, 2012

Bracket Battle 2012: The Brackets

The first day of the Bracket Battle is in the books, and already we have one major casualty. My wife, that ever loveable and sexy Dragon Queen, decided to pick Davidson for her Tournament Champion. In her defense, it's the alma mater for one of our best friends and their mascot is the Wildcat.

That British special agent from the IBDA (International Bureau of Draconic Affairs) is leading the pack, but it's a narrow lead with his pick for Wisconsin to win it all. Three of us (myself, Frank and Uncle Kerouac) are going with Kentucky. North Carolina also received three picks from our group (Hip, my dog Page and Sam the Bear). My kids are rolling the dice on our local team, the VCU Rams. That most resourceful of stuffed animals Ted E. Bear has picked Missouri. Just click on the pictures below to look at the complete brackets and see what you think of each player's picks.

Some of you might have already noticed the scoreboard for our Bracket Battle posted on the left side panel of the Lair. I'll post updated scores as frequently as possible throughout the tournament.

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