Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Bracket Battle 2009, Epilogue

*See previous episode, "Keepin' it in the Cat Family, Episode VIII"

*See previous episode, "Bracket Battle, Episode VIII"

Just click here to check out each player's brackets and a breakdown on the scoring system for this year's Bracket Battle. Given the tie, the NCAA website picks the final winner based on the closest total score prediction for the winning game. The championship game between UNC and Michigan State ended 89-72 (Total Points: 161).

Coming Up on Frank Friday: "1-800-NEW-CELL"


  1. Wow, I never new Page was connected :o)

    Congrats on winning the bracket battle, it was a hard fought contest, but you prevailed, or did you?

  2. Yeah, who knew? Page hides her connections well.

    Congrats on the win--it was a close one. For a while, I think I'd keep one eye open while I sleep, though. And whatever you do, don't let Page up on the bed!
