Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Richmond Vice, Episode XXI

Hope the animated gifs worked for everybody. Just let me know if they didn't.

Coming Up on Frank Friday: "Richmond Vice, Episode XXII"


Dawn said...

LOL Love the animation!

be well...

Beth said...

Yes, it worked perfectly! Dogs forced to sing Stray Cats songs...such humiliation!

And that is Cerberus? He doesn't look so tough to me....

Ken Riches said...

Big things come in little packages :o) Love the astronomy references (or is it mythology).

Miss the sound tracks playing while I read though, hope they get their car back :o)

Dannelle said...

Ok, free the animals, dragons, cats, dogs!!!! Love and hugs- guilty pleasure reader, Dannelle

Bill, the Wildcat said...

Ken, I miss the music, too. Was verrrrry tempted to plug in "Who Let the Dogs Out" for this one, but I figured that would be giving away one of the jokes.

The nightclub really lent itself to the music. I'll be looking out for more opportunities throughout the "Richmond Vice" storyline. After all, how can any legitimate homage to "Miami Vice" NOT have a soundtrack?