Monday, September 12, 2011

Ask Uncle Kerouac, Episode 23

The Wildcat's Lair pays a visit to Cafe Caturra on Grove Avenue in Richmond for its latest episode on dealing with addiction to technology! Watch, laugh and learn, dammit.

Feel free to share each week's episode of "Ask Uncle Kerouac" by embedding it in your own blogs, Facebook profiles, what have you.

You can also get Uncle Kerouac's advice by sending your questions to him at

And don't forget to come back tomorrow for the latest picture in our weekly You Write the Caption contest.


Dannelle said...

Just turned down volume- I put it on loud for Unc K! Ask Uncle Kerouac if I should stop sending in captions or just use more catnip in the brownies.

Ken Riches said...

Techno Kitteh!

Beth said...

Haha, good one, Dannelle!